Any Illness or Medical Conditions/Enfermedad o Condicion Medical ***
Street Address/Domicilio ***
City/Ciudad ***
Zip/Codigo Postal ***
Home Phone/Telefono de Casa ***
E-mail Address/Correo Electronico
Father/Padre ***
Cell Phone/Celular ***
Mother/Madre ***
Cell Phone/Celular ***
Emergency Contact/Contacto de Emergencia ***
Telephone #/# de Telefono ***
I, in my own behalf and on behalf of the Minor, hereby warrant that I have read this Release and Waiver in its entirety and fully understand its contents. I, in my own behalf and on behalf of the Minor, is aware that this Release and Waiver releases’ from liability and contains an acknowledgement of my voluntary and knowing assumption of the risk of injury or illness, in my behalf and on behalf of the Minor, have signed this document voluntarily and of my own free will.
Please type your full name.
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian/Firma ***
Date/Fecha ***
If you would like fill out the registration form by hand and mail it in, you can download it below.
Download Registration Form